Katz, Pte A,
50 George Street, Edinburgh 2.

Keeling, Pte W,
6 Hazelwell Lane, Strickley, Birmingham.

Kellett, L/Sgt J,
10 Burnett Avenue, Marshfields, Bradford.

Kelly, Pte E,
50 Arthur Street, Hebburn, Co Durham.

Kelly, L/Cpl J,
7 West Avenue, Murton, Co Durham.

Kelly, Pte P,
86 Chalworth Road, Nottingham.

Kendall, Pte W,
26 Aloerdene, Lancaster, Co Durham.

Kennedy, Pte R,
156 Spliterow Road, Gateshead, Co Durham.

Kennedy, Pte Y,
17 North Green, Queen's Ferry, Chester.

King, Pte R,
Chelvey, Sandle Heath, Fording Bridge, Hants.

King, Pte W,
41 Layroad, Colchester, Essex.

Kirton, Cpl J W, ['Korton']
10 John Street, Durham City.

Knight, L/Cpl M,
105 Eastburne Road, Darlington, Co Durham.

Knox, Pte J,
56 Bonner Street, Victoria Park, Bethnal Green, London, E 3.

Lajkin, Pte H,
31 St Adrian's Road, South Shields.

Lambert, Pte T,
9 Napier Grove, Shoreditch, London, N 1.

Lapper, Pte W,
286 Camberwell New Road, London SE 5.

Larkin, Pte H,
31 St Adrain's Road, South Shields, Durham.

Laws, L/Cpl A,
60 Richmond Road, South Shields, Co Durham.

Lawson, CSM J,
12 Glebe Terrace, Houghton-le-Spring, Durham.

Lawton, Pte W,
113 Cottam Street, Oldham, Lancs.

Layert, Pte R, ['Loyert']
12 Fell Road, Ford Estate, Sunderland.

Leabetter, C W, ['Leabeter']
62 Kingswood Road, Moseley, Birmingham 13.

Lee, Pte A,
34 Shaw's Row, Hetton-le-Hole, Co Durham.

Lee, Sgt V,
20 Walpole Street, Walker, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

Leedham, Pte F,
112 Dimsdale View, Porthill, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs.

Lewindon, Sgt J, MM,
Fishery Stores, Boxmoor, Herts.
Interviewed by author for IWM:

Lewis, Pte R C,
219 Mitchum Road, Tooting, London SW 17.

Lilley, Pte S,
299 Great Western Street, Moss Side Manchester.

Limb, Cpl K,
51 Broughton Avenue, Doncaster, Yorks.

Lindley, Captain (Rev) G,
Easby Vicarage, Richmond, Yorks.

Lister, Pte J,
Caretaker's House, Thorne School, Wakefield, Yorks.

Lister, T H,
13 Mowbray Street, Durham.
Interviewed by IWM:

Little, R,
77 Gladstone Street, Hebburn, Durham.

Logan, Pte K,
8 North View, Lintz Colliery, Newcastle.

Longstaffe, Pte R,
2 Knott Memorial Flats, Tynemouth, Northumberland.

Lowe, Pte J [W],
67 Stonehill Road, Derby.

Lowery, Pte W,
9 Wootton Road, West Heath, Birmingham.

Ludbrook, Lieut J,
Needham Market, Ipswich, Suffolk.

Lumley, Pte A,
22 Devon Street, West Hartlepool.

Lunt, Pte D,
Fairfields, Fairburn, near Leeds.
In third edition of the OCA address list booklet his address is updated to 'Lunt, Cpl (22227002), 41 Coy, RAPC, Stockbridge Camp, Hants.'

Lynch, Pte E W T,
171 East Street, Sittingbourne, Kent.

Lyons, Pte G,
24 Becket Crescent, Dewsbury Moor, Dewsbury, Yorks.